E 2
N 5
H 8
EX 26
XD 30
13th September 2021
17th September 2021
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Song Link (02:53 sec) - https://www.musicalfreedom.com/take-control

[Update3(17-09-2021) - Dunno why but the last note breaks FC for some reason, so moved it 1 tick forward. FC can be done now (ye ik, too many updates, my ocd is cringe like that, I apologise.)
Update2(15-09-2021) - Even more corrections, thanks to CrookyCumbles for mentioning the tweaks]

Video link -

Alt video link for fellow weebs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -

P.S. -
Phew!! This took a lot of effort to make it upto the mark.
First full difficulty chart, heck yeah!!
Sincere thanks to STEVEN OF ASTORA and MATT for testing and giving valuable insights. Thanks to all the other members who helped in trouble shooting technical hurdles along the way.

Based on 3 user-reviews
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Difficult yet very fun!
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Nice flow to it and enjoyable to play. Ex and XD levels are very similar and though I'm nowhere near a FC, I thought the XD was easier than 35.
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