
Get Review

Gets the users review of a song.

Method GET
Endpoint /connect/reviews/songID/get
Query Parameters (string) connectToken

Output Body (Success)
         "artist":"Collin McLoughlin \u0026 Au5",
            "date":"2020-04-26 16:43:16.000000",
         "description":"I\u0027m very proud of this chart!"
         "pronouns": "they/them"
         "date":"2020-09-09 19:25:29.000000",


Code Explaination
200 The review exists.
422 Some parameters were missing.
403 Your connectToken is missing or wrong.
404 This song does not exist or there is no review from this user.

Add Review

Adds or updates a review of a song.

Method POST
Endpoint /connect/reviews/songID/add
Query Parameters (string) connectToken
POST Form-Data (int) recommend
(string) comment


Code Explaination
200 The review was posted successfully.
201 The review was updated successfully.
422 Some parameters were missing.
403 Your connectToken is missing or wrong.
404 This song does not exist.
On this page
Get Review Add Review