XD 31
28th August 2020
16th May 2022
Uploaded by
[High Tea Spree]
Pt. 1: You're here!
Pt. 2: https://spinsha.re/song/1127
Pt. 3: https://spinsha.re/song/1128
Pt. 4: https://spinsha.re/song/1130

- 17.05.2022 -
> Updated Background.
> Softened applicable beat holds.

This song proved to be quite a bit challenging for me. All throughout charting it I had many conflicting ideals, but ultimately my principle of making the chart be truly representative of the music prevailed, and as this is a rather repetitive song, it lead to me copy & pasting more than I ever had done before, but I'm content with that result.
One thing I did that I think caused some problems was how determined I was to use beats on certain sounds, which I think ended up being a bit too many sounds, which caused too many beats, which made them feel a bit weird.
I curious to know people's thoughts on this one, as I'm not as confident in it as I would with some dubstep track. I think I did pretty good, hopefully you think that too.
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