XD 28
28th August 2020
16th May 2022
Uploaded by
[High Tea Spree]
Pt.1: https://spinsha.re/song/1126
Pt.2: https://spinsha.re/song/1127
Pt.3: You're here!
Pt.4: https://spinsha.re/song/1130|

- 21.09.2020 -
> Added countdowon
- 16.10.2020 -
> Added movement back into intro.
> Changed some 1135's to 1355's.
- 17.05.2022 -
> Updated background.

So here we are at part 3, Pulse LP. Sorry I couldn't avoid the rhyme gods willing me into typing that. ANYWAY!
This was the first time I have ever gone into making a level without having any idea of how to chart it, I was free-falling, you could say... maybe... I dunno if that's accurate. Anyway, that lead to me feeling a decent bit more unrestricted when making this level, I didn't have to conform to the ideas I had in the past. But my utter cluelessness lead to me feeling lost on how to start it, after a while I decided on alternating beats and taps, with some movement between the taps (which I ended up ditching because it felt unfitting and they were too far apart). This ended up working out really well I think, I'm really proud of the result, I even brought myself to ignore a sound, which is something I rarely ever like doing, but here it worked well.
As the song didn't really have a lot of sounds going on for most of it, I was able to comfortably use taps for the kick drums, which I think worked well for the most part, except it did end up having a weird effect on the final sections...
I'm not really sure how to go about writing this, but well my use of taps for kicks ended up leaving the beats only on every... beat. Which uhhh... Was weird...
I'm reaching where I've written so much that my brain just sorta malfunctions and turns into a fuzzy mess, so that's all for this one.

OH! Also this is the first level I've made that has spins as it's weakest note type!
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