H 15
05th April 2024
11th June 2024
Uploaded by
Music: Simon Viklund - Breach 2015
From: Payday 2

Warning: This custom contain a lot of Green Beats!

- Fixed unfair places with Scratch, just edded swipe left/right in end of Scratch
- Corrected two places: 175,23-178,36 and 188,91-192,08
- Edited ending Scratch moment (246,57-247,22)
- Changed bpm from 60 to 120

Notes: If u think, this track is unfair and made crooked, well, my bad, and in the future, i think, will be doing new custom levels better, and also your rating is your opinion, I won't judge you :)
If u see some problems with custom levels, like, REALY unfair place, so, write in comment time-code of this unfair place (e.g. "100,10-200 ,20 sec, croocked Scratch, plz fix") and, MAYBE ,I will fix it, if it realy unfair place.
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