XD 52
09th May 2024
10th May 2024
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Crazyyyyyy :) 2Mins
Update (1) 5.10.24: Some graphical bugs noted. Errors and missing notes in some places that I predicted have been corrected.

For some problems, please feel free to contact.
Discord: efekanc.
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I enjoyed some of this, but there were some notable issues I had:

1) the song has a gradual speedup from 150 to 180, but the tempomap stays at 152 the entire chart; this means that most of if not all notes in the entire chart are majorly mistimed

2) there are a few awkward patterns that feel unfair to play"
- the "diagonals" (ask in the discord if you need clarification) at time 28.23 through 29.49 are an example of movement-into-tap, a generally discouraged practice
- alternating-color no-movement sliders (used throughout); a handful of them did work but in many cases felt very awkward
- the alternating scratches and spins at time 103.13-105.10, as you don't have enough time to hit the scratch while still aligning to hit the spin

I would love to see this chart polished and updated, and would be willing to aid in that process if needed.
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