XD 64
27th October 2024
07th December 2024
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My first finished chart in a long time. Pretty double tap, and mildly reading heavy

1.1.0 changed a few match strings, double taps, tap movements, and changed some sliders
1.1.1 fixed a couple timings that were slightly off
07/12/24 1.1.2 fixed a missing colour swap, shortened soft beatholds in main sections
07/12/24 1.1.3 fixed a missing slider
Based on 4 user-reviews
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A chart that started off as difficult to read and hit for me, but over time, it all starts to fall into place, making this chart very fun to play afterwards :3
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though they're not always the best fit for the song, those spin sections are fun to read
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more metaroom please,
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