H 16
EX 23
XD 30
24th October 2020
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Length = 2:22
H = 16
EX = 23
XD = 30,

Another song from Sugar & Co., also it was released in Muse Dash.
Original video source on:

As an alt-tap-only player, "beat hold realease with a tap on that release" is a pain in the A pattern for me.
Well, this chart is full of it. This chart is kinda an experiment, maybe playable for 1 click CTM players.
Maybe I'll translate the lyrics in the future, they are quite cute actually, just like those in the SWEETSWEETSWEET song.
Quick update: forgot to put their names on
Appreciate your feedback.
Special thanks to "smb" and "thatanimeweirdo" for leaving the comment.
I couldn't go on DC from where I'm currently at, so I don't know what's going on over there. It feels good to see someone likes them, and your comments really motivated me to chart (I thought nobody liked them, so I was kinda using Spinshare like a cloud drive for my charts).
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Such a fun chart, one of my favorites same with the song
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