XD 5
26th October 2020
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Thanks to Kali, Matt, Fallin, Jimbo, PickPig, and Kaddalaug for watching speed racer tonight

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That scream wasn't him realizing he was about to fall over the cliff.

When he looked ahead, he saw for a brief moment the fourth wall.

He saw everything. How he existed in a fictional universe. How he was being copied and processed by internet servers millions upon millions of times, being watched all over the world, being brought into existence merely to die for the amusement of beings beyond his comprehension, over and over, forever.

He looked at what he was. At his fate. At his consciousness, and how it he would only ever exist for a brief instant, only to be snuffed out before he could do anything.

And he screamed, for it was all he could do.

(Comment by ENCHANTMEN on YouTube)
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