XD 60
20th November 2020
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Here's something that's a bit unconventional for SRXD! There's really not a whole lot of metal in the game, which is honestly unfortunate. Hopefully I did this song justice, this is a long one!

8 minutes and 39 seconds long, this song is a brutal endurance test with a tough solo 6 minutes in. Tempo map was pulled from the GH:M chart, so it might be rough around the edges. I don't expect anyone to PFC this anytime soon!
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pretty fun
why is Way so good at charting guitar stuff
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Wait a sec.. this one is even longer than...
Alright, anyone who wants to last even longer should play this chart, absolutely.
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Metallica in SRXD, that's amazing !
The chart is great, but a bit hard for me (got a D...)
I hope we'll see other Metallica charts in the game \m/
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so when are we getting the version that gets faster every time he says master
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