"Okay, how dumb of an idea would it be if I tried to get 17 charters to agree to a different part of this one bad apple remix?"
A massive, MASSIVE thank you to every single charter involved - and a special thank you to 20/3 who inspired us to go on this collective drug trip, and one more for Stride who, in my impatience, I accidentally left out of this collab. Whoops.
- imfallin
Bad Apple!! Fusion Collab
Jerrystuff (Ro) & LiterallyNoOne • Charted by In order of appearance: kaddalaug, Matt, illsian, TheWay123, PickPig, g4, imfallin, dinx, smb, Loosiano, Baby_Jimbo, Kali, Banda, Programmatic, jane, Slival, and HighCaliberTree
XD 98
23rd November 2020
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This was quite the collab and is still a song i like to go back to and play every now and then!!!!
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If you can pass g4's part and smb's part, this is nice and easy.
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whoever made the section that's just a slider is probably insane
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17 different drugs in 4 mins... mate I got so high playing this...
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