XD 35
24th December 2020
18th March 2021
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update 18/03/21 soft beathold
Based on 2 user-reviews
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very cool same pattern for 4 minutes
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At the time of writing this review this is easily my favourite Pick chart, and hell - probably my new favourite chart on SpinSha.re, period. Even though it's nearly 6 minutes long, the sheer amount of variety and creativity Pick manages to cram into here is astounding, leading to a chart that almost never drags a section out for too long and passes in the blink of an eye. Even the parts that do quite obviously repeat are some of the most satisfying drum fills in any chart I've played and I could easily play them a million times more. Everything about this chart is so, so good.

The only thing I could probably say against this chart? Well, while I'm writing this review, it's rated a 29. Pick, this chart is mid-30s, but it's very fun.
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