XD 34
01st February 2021
02nd February 2021
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Charter: 20/3
Illustrator: MeiZhe — "Drunk in Love"
Playtester: Matt, MeiZhe, smb
This is the section where I express my gratitude, slide to the next split line for the chart's info.

Thanks to the SRXD official team for developing this incredible game and holding this remiXD event. SRXD is the first video game ever that made me go a bit hardcore on.

And I really appreciate that Edge invited me to participate in this; if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even be aware of this event.

Also, a special thank-you to MeiZhe, a charter/CTM-player, who put in much effort to draw this really amazing illustration,.

Last but not least, thanks to Matt, Meizhe, and smb for playtesting my chart and giving helpful advices from different types of players' perspectives.
This chart should be friendly to all type of players.
I spent over 10 hours to chart this one (I think Meizhe spent even more time on his illustration lol). I've tried various combination of notes in different parts to come up with this chart.
This chart incorporates "almost" every CTM-friendly patterns (no tap-stream tho haha). I've put in great effort to adjust the structure of this chart and to place the notes to incorporate as many details from the track in the song as possible. [You'll notice that the need-to-tap notes sometimes are not just in accordance to the vocal track, but also the bass track (and other tracks) as well]
The difficulty in this chart gradually increases, but there should be no particular "spike" in it.
Since I am familiar with Japanese, I may hear some details of the pronunciation that are not very distinct for a person that is not familiar with the language. For example, ”いい” ( i i , meaning good) is actually composed of two 平仮名(Hiraganas) that sounds like one. So,I might have put in a little detail in some parts, in terms of the pronounciation.
Alright, enough with the chattering, I hope you can have fun with this recharted version of "Lovesick". (charting this got my right ear infected lmao, I charted the last bit with my left ear only)
And as always, appreciate your feedback.
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