E 6
N 12
H 16
EX 30
XD 54
13th February 2021
10th April 2021
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This is by far the hardest chart I've made so far. But when it's an epic metal cover of an epic boss theme from an incredible game, it deserves an all-out rhythm game chart! A big thank you to Jonny Atma of GaMetal for giving permission to chart it, and thank you to Slival, StevenofAstora, abysmalcosmos, smb, fangsrock12345, imfallin, Loosiano, and Alexicographic for playtesting!

Updated 4/9/21 with tournament edits, thank you to Way for advice and suggestions.
Based on 4 user-reviews
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Hard AF chart, which is good to play for an awesome challenge.
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Really like how you charted the drums on H!
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Very nice
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I suck at this chart but it is still very fun :D
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