XD 85
26th February 2021
26th June 2021
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The displayed level of difficulty may not be accurate.
It may contain some unfair patterns.

Update 2021/02/26 : fixed a few notes.

update 2021/02/26 : Beat-tap Reduction of beats in the spam section.
Adjusted the spin that comes out too late for the song.

UPDATE 2021/03/13 : Because the stupid charter didn't even check it properly, I modified quite a few backward spins, movements into tap, and erased the notes that had been placed since the song ended.

Update 21/05/17 : drop parts were buffed, added soft beathold.

Update 21/05/31 : Final part has been nerfed.
XD 95 -> 91

Update 21/06/26 : I've added a little to the chart.
XD 91 -> 85 (chart seems easy to me to say 90+).
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