XD 34
29th May 2021
12th December 2021
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This is a weird one, even for Bill Wurtz.

Update 29/11/21: removed a lot of bad color swaps and a few weird movements, and added beats in the drier parts. This chart is still somewhat stinky (it's Bill Wurtz, after all) but at least all of the stink is fair.

If you want to play the original version, https://spinsha.re/song/4716

Update 3/12/21: Updated per Programmatic's feedback (thanks Prog). Also cleaned a few other slight mistimings.

Update 11/12/21: More SSSO Feedback. Added a few beats, changed some post-slider patterns, simplified a couple of wiggly movements
Based on 4 user-reviews
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This remains a classic. Holds up 100%
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That song was... interesting.
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Chart really fits the vibe of Bill Wurtz.
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