H 16
EX 20
XD 34
03rd August 2021
03rd August 2021
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Length = 3:44
!!Ends with hard beathold release!!!
I planned to upload this chart a month ago, and finally it reaches song/3939.
This song , Chū Mèng (First Dream), is produced by various talented Chinese artists (MusikM, Digger, 郑伟). Digital album only available in China's mainland, but you can watch the PV here:
Background trivia:
1. In the chart, XD has 1039 notes, EX has 839 notes, H has 639 notes.
2. "Hatsune" means "First Sound", "Miku" means "Future", "the Frist Sound of the Future
3. This song was released in 2017, while Hatsune Miku was released in 2007.
4. The First Sound of the Future sings the First Dream.
5. “别忘了十年前的风,回忆的你变成梦。
"Don't forget the breeze of a decade ago; memories of you turn into dreams.

The stories in these songs, aren't they just like yours.

Don't forget the first touch of emotion, the last moment of the heartbeat.

Just... remember... the us at last, the first dream."

And the story of us and Miku continues...
I took the 3939 spot, but uploaded everything else 20+ hours later
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