XD 26
07th August 2021
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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6969 is to be continuously played on a JBL 308P MkII through a wired connection to an MP3 player. The speaker must be kept in a 5mx3mx5m sound-proof room, with one (1) D-class inside at all times, taking shifts with eight (8) other D-class every two (2) hours and forty-six (46) minutes. The D-class are to be replaced every day by nine (9) new personnel. A back-up generator must be connected to the speaker, in case of a blackout.

An alternative version of the piece is to be released to the public for free, with no information regarding the creator.

Description: SCP-6969 is a musical piece released in 20█ by [REDACTED]. When a subject listens to 6969, they immediately become fascinated by it. When asked to describe the piece, subjects tend to give extremely high praise, often considering it "the best song they've ever heard", and asking to listen to it additional times. If the subject listens to SCP-6969 a total of sixty-nine (69) times, they become obsessed, and will begin to procure all available information about SCP-6969 and its creation. Currently, there are no beings immune to this effect.
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fucking masterpiece
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