XD 30
01st May 2020
14th April 2021
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- 14.04.2021 - This is my first time doing a sort of remaster of an old level, super curious to know your thoughts!
> Changed BPM offset (please let me know if you think it's worse).
> Changed main pattern to feel nicer (from 5-3-1-3-5 to 3-1-1-3-5) as well as other occurrences of same lane match after taps.
> Changed some notes to feel more impactful (E.g. measure 12).
> Removed some (not all) movement into taps/holds.
> Slightly changed some of the build-up to feel nicer (although I'm not too happy with the match string).
> Softened some beat-holds and added some beat-holds.
> Changed match strings before 2nd half of the drops (E.g. Beat 226.75).
> Made the on beat beats from measure 79 continue through the following section.
> Changed the hold in measure 114 to be like ones found in Paracosm.
> Changed patterns in measures 119 & 127 to match their prior patterns.
> Changed the final section to (hopefully) make more sense, and be more fun with boings.

TO-DO: Get better at condensing update notes.

This level marks my first dwelling into some of the more specialised backgrounds.
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