XD 67
26th November 2021
20th March 2022
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Reworked version of Education

- Removed all visual sliders
- Reworked some patterns to make them more intuitive
- Removed 3rd beat notes in the drops, which were overcharted
- Removed hard beat releases on the outro, which were making the patterns much harder to parse
- Minor slider improvements
- Widened a few sliders in the bridges
- Reworked a recurring pattern of spin-taps into tap streams which fit the sound better
- Repositioned some taps in drum fills to make the movement smoother
- Difficulty rating is now a 67

[Update 27/11/21] Mirrored a backspin after a scratch

[Update 12/12/21] SSSO feedback overhaul
- Reworked jane swaps that only had one match between taps
- Moved some extremely tight 1-5 movements around to make them more readable
- Considerable overhaul to most drops, toned down a lot of staggered actions and added some new, more readable patterns

Year: 2019
Genre: Futurecore
Length: 3min 47sec
BPM: 180

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0n_sbYS05A
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6Os9ubHOGZ7GjKINckYgS4
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/psyqui/education
Based on 3 user-reviews
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the only SSSO chart you can recognize in 0.03 seconds
very fast, very fun
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