XD 65
21st December 2021
02nd December 2022
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ok so i need to clarify something really quick
the song used here is a sped up version of a remix made by Saint Punk of a song called "Man's First Inhibition" by Nightmre and Zhu
the person who sped up the remix is called DJ Witch Girl Miracle and i think they renamed the song afterwards but im not entirely sure because the soundcloud page (including the title of the song) was in japanese
the title is what im pretty sure the sped up version is called but the album art comes from the original song because i couldnt find any art uniquely associated with the sped up version
anyways, hope you enjoy the chart
update 1 - added a proper preview and a background
update 2 - removed a bugged slider liftoff
update 3 - 12/2/22
-nerfed a lot of 151s
-changed a part that was hard to hit on ctm
-removed ghost taps in the buildups
-changed the tempomap to be better (thx for finding that prog)
-made a few other minor changes
-changed the background
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this is fun big W
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