E 5
N 10
H 15
EX 25
XD 36
09th April 2022
09th April 2022
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Here's the big EP chart, one of the main reasons I wanted to chart all of these songs in the first place. Most of the songs transition into each other perfectly and I always think that it's one of the coolest things that an artist can do with their music. Hope you enjoyed the charts!
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I cannot recommend this chart enough! Most chill and relaxing 23 minutes of my life in a rhythm game. I'd love to see some more marathon charts in the game, so thank you for your contribution!
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It's 3 am now and I'm playing this EP for the second time lol. Loosiano and Slival, thank you very much, good work! Brought back to the time when a friend was trying to teach me how to play Rocket League :D
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Had a lot of fun playing this!
Ty to you & Slival :)
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