E 8
XD 68
28th April 2022
28th April 2022
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Time for another chart hehe
This is my hardest solo chart now and will probably be for quite a moment, i spent around 10h making this, and wow it was an experience charting breakcore lmao
Huge thanks to Gavi for playtesting and rating, haomakk for rifles and help, Stride for his advices, and Soda for playtesting.
I also recharted the original Muzukashii (Hard) chart from taiko, and managed to make it tatacon friendly so if you have one, you can go on and test it. Taps are dons, beats are kas, i recommend you to put taps in red and beats in blue, and if you're playing keyboard, i recommend binding alt tap to FJ and beats to DK.
If the Oni (Extreme) chart or Ura (hidden) chart get requested a lot then i'll port them too in the game.
I hope you'll enjoy
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Really like this chart!
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I didn't really enjoy this, but now I realise that it was my fault for not reading the description first. I just assumed it was a stupid meme chart, as opposed to playing it like Taiko no Tatsujin.
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