XD 27
06th July 2022
16th December 2022
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[Newest] Update (12/16/22):

• Removed a movement after liftoff and replaced it with a match note instead.
• Adjusted position of some hold notes.
• Adjusted a cue point.

Update (7/14/22):

• Centered the tails of two hold notes with backspins for better readability.

Update (7/11/22):

• Once again, adjusted difficulty from 28 to 27 (sorry, not really good at judging the difficulty but it feels easier than what I had originally felt).
• Heavily changed a decently sized section with the intent of fixing movement into taps from measure 34 to 46 (being very generic here as to not be redundant... and it's also a lot of changes).
• Changed the position of some taps at the end of spin notes for better readability.
• Changed a couple of taps into matches to allow for better playability instead of having quick consecutive taps before a hold, which added some clunkiness.
• Adjusted the tails of some hold notes to properly align with other notes.

Update (7/8/22):

• Adjusted difficulty from a 29 to 28.
• Addition of tap notes in place of some spins due to how short and unplayable the spins made it.
• Adjusted the timing for a tap note.
• Adjusted a section of match notes and removed the tap in the middle of it.
• Adjusted the timing for a match note.
• Adjusted the direction of a spin that threw off the movement of a section.
• Flipped the ending section due to a spin facing the wrong way, correcting it.
• Slightly adjusted some hold notes.
• Added beat note.
• Extended a beat hold note.
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