XD 42
25th October 2022
26th October 2022
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This song was awful to chart but here I'm lmao I had to do this for Lava's sake since the name of the band and the song were such a great coïncidence !
Anyway I'm sorry if it feels a bit repetitive sometimes it wasn't really a good charting material (and maybe I lack a bit of experience in charting) but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway !

Lava's chart : https://spinsha.re/song/7235

THE SKY IS on bandcamp : https://theskyis.bandcamp.com/album/the-sky-is

UPDATE : Trimmed the audio cause even if Cosmos is infinite, it was a bit boring.
(Also fixed a movement after liftoff thanks to Halflite)
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You are but a grain of sand, in the sands of time. Now do you see what part you play in the great cosmos? Do you even play a part in the great cosmos? Do you even exist? No. You don't. Nothing you ever do will ever matter. You are nothing. And even if you do change the world, you can just look up and see that the earth is just a dust speck in the ever-growing dust bunny we call the universe. You are nothing. You will never be anything. So when you get that promotion, or get an A+ on your report card, just remember that you will never contibute anything to the universe. And there is nothing you can do about it. NOTHING. So, might as well just accept your fate and live, work, and die like everyone else. What else are you going to do?
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