XD 27
10th July 2020
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I saw that someone had charted this song before but I really like the song so I thought I'd give it a go, anyway.

I've been having a lot of fun playing this one and since it's not too hard for me, it should be pretty easy for most of you all! ;) Hope you enjoy.
Based on 3 user-reviews
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Low key, this chart has a lot of potential. I remember charting this song since it was the very first song to introduce me to EDM. It would be awesome to combine both of our creative ideas to make a heck of a chart!
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It's a very good middle-of-the-road kind of chart. Not too complex to read and is solid to play. It does feel very samey throughout though. I didn't notice I transitioned between sections a lot since there's not a lot of variation it feels.
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If i could give a neutral rating I would. Overall the chart is decent and doesn't have glaring issues. I think it feels a little boring and generic. Reminds me of the 1:30 anime OPs in osu! They aren't bad but they don't have anything special. If I could combine this chart with some of the interesting patterns from EmberJK's chart of Restart I think it could be really interesting. Take the best of both charts and mash em together
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