EX 45
20th March 2023
09th April 2023
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HUGE update to this song!!!!!
this song went form about a 20 in difficulty to a 40 in my estimation.
i have now emulated all the drum patterns and fixed up a lot of the parts to this song.
now it is far more accurate and in fact a lot more complicated especially with all those poly rhythms
so now you reallllly need goooood LUCK! your gonna need it.
i used a lot of what i have learned in the last 5 songs i made and the ones im currently working on, on and off so now imo this version is far more fun and satisfying.

oh my, I learned a lot with this one.

this is hardcore mathrock!
its 3/4

this song is tricky because as is the signature with mathrock the drums play around a lot in the time signature so its difficult for people who arent good at odd timing
but man this one is fun prepare yourself and GOODLUCK!

link to song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGzrJjHwmBQ
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