XD 99
01st April 2023
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What does it mean to make a chart hard anymore? Everyone is fcing these fucking 70+ diff charts like it’s nothing, where did the good ole days of people actually grinding shit go? This community hasn’t had to work for an fc in years and it’s time for a fucking change, this is a turning point in spinshare history and im right at the fucking center. Future generations of players will strive to even match what has been created. We’re done fucking around with this bullshit charting it’s time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and experience the pain of the grind once more. Your weakness is an illness I have been sent by God to cure, I am the zenith of creation and you will never again underestimate my power. The charting landscape is a Dystopia and I will set a Definitive end to it with Jimbo as my right hand. You fear the unknown but now it’s here and it’s time to face it. This is it.
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