XD 70
06th April 2023
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It's my Spin birthday!! Today marks the day I bought the game and started my own speen journey. To celebrate my 3 years with SRXD, I've gone ahead and charted what's possibly my hardest chart to date!

Triangle is an intricate track by an amazing artist named jaxcheese! I reached out to them to see what song they wanted me to tackle for a rhythm game and they suggested this one. Major props to them for helping me with the exact tempo and allowing me to chart their very fun track.

You can hear this and more on their Bandcamp: https://jaxcheese.bandcamp.com/
Based on 5 user-reviews
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Honestly the rhythms in this make no sense at all to my uncultured brain. 10/10
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mmm... triable
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like triangle
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good luck
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