H 10
21st April 2023
21st April 2023
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Very first level made for spin rhythm xd. I am big trash.
Based on 3 user-reviews
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Doesn't flow well. Timings and Note placements are sometimes questionable and don't follow the music well.
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English: This is great, it deserves its hard level, of course it's not as difficult as it seems but an intermediate between normal and difficult, but the addition of beats makes it difficult, since it's not used in normal.

The other user I commented on hasn't given him time to understand the game and its level ranges.

Español: Esto esta genial, se merece su nivel en dificil, claro no es tan dificil como parece sino un intermedio entre normal y dificil, pero el añadido de beats lo deja en dificil, ya que en normal no se usa.

El otro usuario que comento no le ha dado tiempo de entender el juego y sus rangos de niveles.
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Not CTM friendly, for a 'hard' 10, it's definitely harder, quite a few backspins, notes seem to be placed arbitrary. Doesn't really make sense at all tbh.
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