XD 31
27th July 2020
05th February 2021
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This song has always had a strong emotional effect on me. I just hope I did it justice. (Though I may have overdone it with the colour switching)

- 05.02.2021 -
> Switched up the colour swaps in most sections to make it feel fairer.
I wanted to update this because when I played through it somewhat recently I was like, "Oh yeah this is a problem" and I wanted to fix it. I went through and tried to make the colour swaps make a bit more sense. It still feels kinda unfair at some points, but I can't tell if that's just my muscle memory messing with me or not, so I've left them there for now.
As a bit of a side-note, I also wanted to "nerf" this chart a bit because I wanted to make it a bit accessible for players new to custom XDs, but I also wanted to provide a bit of a challenge too, so players can really try to conquer certain sections and feel improvement through that. Whether I succeeded in that goal remains to be seen... somehow I feel like I didn't but y'know.
I was also really tired when doing this update.
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