XD 34
27th July 2020
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HEY! i know you are tired of this track but i would like that you give it a try. this is my version. :D also you can watch the video at spinplay.
i dont really know if it is a 34 difficulty. and please comment what needs improvement. thanks for playing. have fun.
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awesome chart dude!~
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Really fun chart! I have one issue - twice you make the player move right after doing a liftoff. The first time you do it is the real problem, measure 72 you have a liftoff from a red slider and then immediately have a blue tap that was very unexpected.

Besides that I have two suggestions you can take or leave. The first is something you did a handful of times, the first one is right before measure 5 starts you end a spin with a red on one side, and then a beat later have a blue slider start on the other side. I would highly suggest making the tap blue and either leaving it on the left requiring movement (and more movement = more fun) or make it in the same lane as the upcoming slider and then the player would be doing the same thing they are now, but it's easier to read. The other suggestion is just less beat holds. You use them a ton and the liftoffs are often arbitrary in order to prepare for the next beat hold making timing difficult.

You should really join the discord channel to get more feedback and have dialogues about charts! Apologies if you already joined as I couldn't find you on there.
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