XD 28
29th July 2020
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Update: 12-21-20
-Fixed a Darnoc (Apparently this was here the whole time???)
-Fixed a couple unquantized notes (????)
Update: 12-18-20
-Removed some 1151 movement that was dumb, and made it 1515
-Tweaked a few curve types

My 3rd chart, and first one in quite a few months. Wanted to chart some Scandroid, never got the motivation 'til now. Thanks to Programmatic for playtesting and doing multiple passes on the chart to clean up some timings, and enhance some drumfills. Thanks to TreX, Kali, Stide, TheWay, Imfallin, Dinx, and jane for playtesting. Feedback appreciated, I tried to make it CTM-friendly where I could. It's pretty easy, but it's a chill song, and I like how it came out.
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I hate the french language but love this chart
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I thought I'd be the only person to ever chart Scandroid for this game, and yet I somehow didn't even manage to make it two weeks before a better Scandroid chart showed up, smh
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Solid, fun chart. Great flow and match to the song. The last quarter or so is really light on matches (most are taps), but that's just my first impression. Nice to have some Scandroid in the game, I think stylistically it fits with the main songs.
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