XD 50
02nd August 2020
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V2.0 Cut out a lot of the silence at the end
Based on 4 user-reviews
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this chart reminds me why I hate match notes
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Such a fun chart! Difficult but fun, inspired me also!
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One of my favorite charts on spinshare, I don't leave reviews often but I think this chart has gone a little overlooked. Highly recommend this chart to anyone trying to get good
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This is my favourite HighCaliberTree chart and one of the best customs on spinshare for me currently. I know its not playable for more than 10 people rn, but I can really tell that everything works and the diff. rating is fine as well. Its fun to grind and the most important thing for me personally: It is completely CTM-Friendly which is very very hard to do in a diff. 50 chart! Never a hardcore chart like this felt as good to play as this. Truly a masterpiece! I can recomment that for the other 9 players with this skillbase.

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