XD 65
10th October 2023
10th October 2023
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10,000 charts... we did it, y'all. It's crazy to think how long this journey has been and the sheer number of notes and songs that we, such a small community, have put into this indie rhythm game known as Spin Rhythm XD. It just blows my mind.

This chart serves to archive some of the best sections made amongst these first 10,000 charts. Charters were asked to submit 8-40 measures of their best chart, and I then spent a good 10 hours editing it all into this mix. This was opt-in, so each charter only gets one section. Individual songs are labelled with a "Title - Artist" format in the cue points.

It's been a great run, y'all. But we ain't done yet. Here's to the next 10,000.
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