XD 80
24th September 2020
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Anyways, this chart is pretty good, I'd recomend going into this with a GROWTH MINDSET, you're not going to FC first attempt, but you can do it I believe in you

You aren't living till you've charted a backwards spin
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I get what you wanted to go for, but you executed it so poorly, none of the chjart actually fits together, along with RNG beat tapS ::((( patterns everywhere that you've named "scrath Spin puzlles." There are a tons of patterns that don't make sense in the contet of the song at all, why the backward spin spam? It doesn't sound like it should be there at all but rather you just put it there because it's "creative" or "different" overall this is poentially the worsetst chart I've ever seen someone consider a "serious" attempt at charting. This should be esy but it janker than checkpoint.Have you consider that you can't play the XD chart because it's legitimately not an actual chart and rather a horrible amalgamation of the worst charting techniques anyone could come up with? Thrown randomly anywhere you thought you could fit them? This chart gave me a brain anueryism I don't recccomend anyone even grab yihs this as a joke.
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It's honestly frightening how much this actually feels like a Darnoc chart
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