XD 26
30th November 2024
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This is my first charting project and I'm really excited to finally publish it! I've never charted anything in any rhythm game before so I was still figuring stuff out, so the audio quality might be a little bit bad(I blame Audacity), sorry for that, but it's (hopefully) better with the DLC songs.
Also for the first few charts (00-03) I was still kinda bad with tempo-mapping so notes weren't exactly on time, but I went back and corrected the placements so they SHOULD be fine but sorry if I missed something.

04-onward my tempo-mapping definitely improved (shoutout to Aren for helping me figure it out :3) so yeah, should be better!

Hopefully the quality isn't awful and y'all enjoy playing them!

(I did actually chart a few songs before this but looking back on them now, they're just awful lol, so I'm gonna be re-charting all of them and publish them then.)

Do you like metal? Do you like rhythm games? Do you like first person shooters? Well, if you clicked on this chart it probably means you like at least two of those things, but if you like all 3 then definitely check out Metal: Hellsinger, it's really good :3 (it even got a VR port recently too!)
but before you do that, check out the charts of the game's soundtrack! I have charted all of the OST and the two DLC's so there's plenty to play! All of the charts' names have [MH] in the front and if sorted by Track Name in Spin Rhythm the songs appear in the same order they play in-game! (if you download all of them, that is :3 (you should :3))
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