E 5
N 11
H 17
EX 23
XD 39
05th March 2021
05th March 2021
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Length = 3:46
Technically this is the first chart that I've finished with my turntable. It's the Japanese version of the Miku, which I've charted last year, but this chart it's harder.
Since my charting style changed from then, I've incorporated some new patterns into the chart.
I've included a new oo-ee-oo slider into XD and have add the old oo-ee-oo slider into EX and H for players in other diffs.
I've also included some really wacky and crazy sliders at the end, I suggest you to check that out first lol (or not, if you like surprises). Those sliders are borrowed from:
1. The N2O-accelerating slider: jane.'s "coomers be like" at /song/1505
2. The crisp-on-a-stick (or chip, if you are in American region) slider Daquat。's "Super Lady" at /song/2612

The album art was photoshoped by me because I didn't like Miku's face in the original album art (whoever drew it, soz ). This new one would be interesting to look at, with the transparent background.
Thanks to YUNAAA for playtesting the H and N diff, Matt and MeiZhe for playtesting the XD diff
Updated just to mention that there's a section near the end that was charted all blue intentionally, and don't move the wheel DURING the wacky sliders.
Btw, I've updated my Flamingo chart also.
Appreciate your feedback.
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Thanks for adding lower difficulties as well!
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I had a mild stroke at the end of this chart. Very cool.
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I appreciate that i was able to inspire you for something even if it's as small as some slider ahaha, it means a lot considering you're my biggest charting inspiration!!
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