XD 37
17th June 2021
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The Discovery Showcase has come to a close.

This track truly fulfills its name with its interminable length, at exactly 10 minutes. This song has 3 main phases, each one coming in and out as the song goes; the acapella, the groovy bass phase that covers the first half, and the midsection that takes over the other half. The vocals (provided by the late great Romanthony) also have 2 separate verses that cover each half similarly. Too Long relies heavily on repetition to contribute to its length, but the sections have switch-ups every now and then to keep it fresh. Make sure to keep your eyes open for those!

I can't believe the Discovery Showcase is finally over, having started with One More Time and Aerodynamic back in February (immediately after the breakup) up to now, in June, with Too Long, making for a showcase that lasted for around 5 months. This one's for you, Aren! Gotta have that Discovery marathon ^^

RIP Daft Punk (1993 - 2021)
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Thanks a lot for this Discovery showcase, I enjoyed all the charts very much, and play them regularly <3
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