XD 50
02nd September 2021
02nd September 2021
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i'll slowly just be waiting
and waiting
and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
and waiting and-
note: this version is cut from what you'll find on demo tapes, as there's about a minute of a relatively slow instrumental at the end that i didn't want to chart, and neither did the unbeatable devs either since the unbeatable beatmap of this song also omits that silence.

special thanks to way for timing assistance
check out UNBEATABLE [white label] on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290490/UNBEATABLE_white_label/
pick up the album here: https://peakdivide.bandcamp.com/album/unbeatable-demo-tapes
support the slacker backer here: https://www.unbeatablegame.com/slackerbacker
tag update 2021/09/02: added more "and waiting"s and credited vocalist rachel lake
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