H 17
EX 26
XD 35
03rd December 2021
30th December 2022
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My secret santa chart for Ani! This song really popped out to me, and I know Ani has been pushing for more Garlagan so it made the most sense. I don't think my charting is as expressive as theirs but here's hoping it's still enjoyable! Also added some lower diffs, why not.

Forgot to mention, thanks for helping with the tempo near the end of the chart Dama!

Update: Didn't realize garlagan shouldn't be capitalized, fixed
Update 7-2-22: Nerfed Hard and Expert, raised difficulty ratings, hope its more enjoyable low diff players
Update 3-31-22: Fixed mistakes in Expert, sorry y'all
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love this song, love this chart. thank you for this!
(btw did you guys know I love garlagan btw btw)
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