01st May 2020
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You can tell that this chart is an "April chart" because of a lot of the eccentricities about it that just ... Don't flow well. A lot of 1-5-1 patterns where the 5 is a tap note, backwards spins, patterns with a LOT of drift, et cetera. The worst part of it is, most of these phrases can be totally fixed with a single change, in many cases with a change to a single note... But without an update, this chart's starting to show its age.
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not really cool
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2/5 Not super fun. Outside of the many CTM unfriendly taps, a lot of the spins don't flow well and would've been better mirrored. Some simple tweaks would make this one soooo much better and would probably make it a 4/5, but until then, I'm disappointed. There's a lot of good here but it's outweighed by the bad.
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