XD 25
04th June 2020
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Second song in the Metropole EP. Not my fav but still good.
UPDATE: More consistent with the song throughout, especially on the end.
UPDATE 10/13: Added countdown
Based on 4 user-reviews
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crutches on weird patterns and off sync beats for difficulty
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Feels a lot like the official Anomalie maps, very good.
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smoothest sliders in the business ~~~ serious good chart, would highly recommend!
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Super fun! This chart really feels like it suits Daybreak, and the flow is great.

I have a couple nitpicks, if you care for them:
-If there's one thing that's a little weird about the chart, it's all the parts where there's a gap between a tap/match note before a longer item for a grace note (ex. at beat 127.38). Maybe it would feel better to make that gap smaller.
-In the intro, I think the solution is to put another spin right after the match notes, if that's not too tough/unplayable.
-I personally don't like when there's match note strings that aren't attached to anything in the song (ex. beat 121.38). They feel way less satisfying imo, and in this case, they're basically written out like hold notes anyways.
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