XD 44
15th September 2022
16th September 2022
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September 15th, 2003. At this chart's upload date, it's been exactly 19 years since Muse's Absolution was released in stores, with hits that provided the sound of the early 00s. Stockholm Syndrome was one of those hits, and with its soaring vocals, beautiful chorus and awesome solo, I couldn't pass up charting this track.

This track in particular might seem a bit familiar to the SpinShare regulars, especially those who downloaded Halflite's ERRA cover. It also made an appearance in Guitar Hero III as DLC, along with Exo-Politics and Supermassive Black Hole in a Muse 3-pack.

Major thanks to Jaded for giving me permission to use their tempomap for this track!

Stockholm Syndrome is usually paired with Plug in Baby in Muse's concerts.
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