XD 56
19th November 2022
12th December 2022
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It's \Show Time/
wait a minute the name is "Showtime" not "Show Time" WTF
Update 24 Nov:Big changes and small bugs
Update 25 Nov:Mistimings and unsuitable strings nerfed and fixed
Sorry for another update caused by intro which was written by 152 bpm that caused some mistiming.This is bad
Update: Thanks to gav for the small bugs and he is a great bug killer XDD
Thanks to Halflite for the handling
small fix:change the bpm to 101
Thanks to A11right for testing this chart and suggesting much help
Thanks to gav for finding out the mistiming parts and the unsuitable parts
anyway i will try to fix this
Thanks to Halflite for the unsuitable parts for controllers
(so why don't i go to ask them straightly,but this is great because i can even know more about bad handlings)
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