Engie Boy 6000
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Stars Tonight
‐ Zeds Dead x DROELOE
Engie Boy 6000
18th October 2022
Very annoyingly designed. It goes all the way to the side of the screen in weird ways. It has badly placed 'space' beats in the beginning which ramp up to an inconsistent spammed set of them before forgetting they exist at all. The slides are often set so that you end out with the incorrect side facing the next note, which is more annoying than challenging, not to mention just in general being forced to make erratic movements for no reason other than awkward placement, facing the same issues as the sliders sometimes.
Overall, really shitty chart. Very little effort was actually put into it.
Card Title
This card was given out to every player of the Spring 2020 SpinShare Speen Open tournament.
Card Date
Overall, really shitty chart. Very little effort was actually put into it.